Abrasive Wheel
Grinding Wheel Marking
Resin Bonded Abrasive Wheel
Vitrified Bonded Abrasive Wheel
CBN & Diamond Grinding Wheel
Rubber Regulating Abrasive Wheel
MgO & Epoxy Wheel / Discs
Honing Stones
Super Finishing Stones
Internal Grinding Wheels
Barrel Stone




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Abrasive Wheel

Grinding Wheel Marking

Grinding Wheel General Safety Guide Flange
Abrasive Store Properly
Grade Trouble Shooting


Type Of Operation
Grinding Wheel Marking Standard Wheel Shapes
Store Properly
Do: Don't:
1. Do check all shipments of grinding wheel for possible damage in transit.
1. Don't accept shipments of grinding wheels that show damage to the pallet, box or container.
2. Do carefully inspect the wheels in a
    shipment as they are unpacked.
2. Don't store grinding wheel in random
    manner or in an unprotected place.
3. Do ring test each vitrified wheel 4" and larger before mounting.
3. Don't handle grinding wheels carelessly.
4. Do store grinding wheels in a rack or on shelves designed to accept and protect them.
4. Don't retain wheels that may have been damaged or abused.
5. Do handle grinding wheels carefully because they are fragile and can be easily chipped, cracked or brocken.
5. Don't store wheels in a random manner with no regard to how long they have been in steroge.
6. Do store wheels so that the oldest wheel in stock are used first.
7. Do store wheels in a dry, protected area free from extreme variations in temperature.
A rack design suitable for handling of a wide variety of abrasive wheels
Do: Dont:
1. DO always HANDLE AND STORE wheels in a CAREFUL manner.
1. DON'T use a wheel that HAS BEEN DROPPED or DAMAGED.
2. DO VISUALLY INSPECT all wheels before mountinf for possible damage in transit
2. DON'T FORCE a wheel onto the machine or ALTER the size of the mounting hole-if wheel won't fit the machine, get one that will.
3. DO MAKE SURE MACHINE SPEED does not exceed MAXIMUM OPERATING SPEED maked on wheel or on its ountainer
3. DON'T ever EXCEED MAXIMUM OPERATING SPEED establised for the wheel
4. DO CHECK MOUNTING FLANGES for equal and correct diameter.(should bel at least 1/3 diameter of the wheel.)
4. DON'T use mounting flanges of which the bearing surfaces ARE NOT CLEAN, FLAT AND FREE FROM BURRS.
5. DO USE MOUNTING BLOTTERS supplied with wheels.
5. DON'T TIGHTEN the mounting nut EXCESSIVELY.
6. DO be sure WORK REST is properly adjusted.(should be center of wheel or above and no more than 1/8" away form wheel.)
6. DON'T grind on the SIDE OF THE WHEEL unless wheel is specifically designed for that purpose.(See the current ANSI B7.1 Safety Requirements for exceptions.)
7. DO always USE A PROPERLY DESIGNED SAFETY GUARD covering at least one-half of the grinding wheel.
7. DON'T start the machine util the WHEEL GUARD IS IN PLACE
8. DO allow NEWLY MOUNTED WHEELS to run at operating speed, with guard in place, for at least one minute before grinding. 8. DON'T STAND DIRECTLY IN FRONT of a grinding wheel wherever a grinder is started.
9. DO always WEAR SAFETY GLASSES or equivalent proper eye protection when grinding. 9. DON'T grind material for which the WHEEL IS NOT DESIGNED.
10. DON'T JAM work into the wheel.
10. DO TURN OFF COOLANT before stooping wheel to avoid creating an out-of-balance condition 11. DON'T GRIND without roper ventilation.




  By Skillexpress.com                                   © UJE | Diamond & Abrasive Grinding Wheel And Carbide Endmill Cutting Tools